July 31, 2024

What Is in the Heart of Man?

Psalm 64

Jayson Haynes
Wednesday's Devo

July 31, 2024

Wednesday's Devo

July 31, 2024

Big Book Idea

Thinking and feeling God's way.

Key Verse | Psalm 64:6

They search out injustice,
saying, "We have accomplished a diligent search."
For the inward mind and heart of a man are deep.

Psalm 64

Hide Me from the Wicked

To the choirmaster. A Psalm of David.

Hear my voice, O God, in my complaint;
    preserve my life from dread of the enemy.
Hide me from the secret plots of the wicked,
    from the throng of evildoers,
who whet their tongues like swords,
    who aim bitter words like arrows,
shooting from ambush at the blameless,
    shooting at him suddenly and without fear.
They hold fast to their evil purpose;
    they talk of laying snares secretly,
thinking, “Who can see them?”
    They search out injustice,
saying, “We have accomplished a diligent search.”
    For the inward mind and heart of a man are deep.

But God shoots his arrow at them;
    they are wounded suddenly.
They are brought to ruin, with their own tongues turned against them;
    all who see them will wag their heads.
Then all mankind fears;
    they tell what God has brought about
    and ponder what he has done.

10  Let the righteous one rejoice in the LORD
    and take refuge in him!
Let all the upright in heart exult!

Table of Contents
Introduction to The Psalms

Introduction to The Psalms


Author and Date

Individual psalms come from diverse periods of Israel’s history, but at every stage they served as the songbook of God’s people. David wrote about half of the Psalms. His role as king was more than that of a ruler. He was to represent and even embody the people, and their well-being was tied to his faithfulness. David, then, writes as a representative, and the readers must discern whether the emphasis of a psalm is more on his role as ruler or more on his role as ideal Israelite, in which he is an example for all. The historical occasions mentioned in the psalm titles help the reader see how faith applies to real-life situations.

Key Themes

The Psalter is fundamentally the hymnbook of God’s people. It takes the basic themes of OT theology and turns them into song:

  1. Monotheism. The one God, Maker and Ruler of all, will vindicate his goodness and justice in his own time. Everyone must know and love this God, whose purity, power, wisdom, faithfulness, and unceasing love are breathtakingly beautiful.
  2. Creation and fall. Though God made man with dignity and purpose, all people since the fall are beset with sins and weaknesses that only God’s grace can heal.
  3. Election and covenant. The one true God chose a people for himself and bound himself to them by his covenant. This covenant expressed God’s intention to save his people, and through them to bring light to the world.
  4. Covenant membership. In his covenant, God offers grace to his people: forgiveness of their sins, the shaping of their lives to reflect his own glory, and a part to play as light to the Gentiles. Each member of God’s people is responsible to believe God’s promises and to grow in obeying his commands. Those who do this enjoy the full benefits of God’s love and find delight in knowing him. The well-being of God’s people as a whole affects the well-being of each member. Each one shares the joys and sorrows of the others. When believers suffer, they should not seek revenge but should pray. They can be confident that God will make all things right in his own time.
  5. Eschatology. The story of God’s people is headed toward a glorious future, in which all kinds of people will come to know the Lord. The personal faithfulness of God’s people contributes to his ultimate purpose. The Messiah, the ultimate heir of David, will lead his people in the great task of bringing light to the Gentiles.

Types of Psalms

The Psalms can be identified according to some basic categories:

Laments, which lay a troubled situation before the Lord, asking him for help. There are community (Psalm 12) and individual (Psalm 13) laments. This category is the largest by far, including up to a third of all Psalms.

Hymns of praise, which call God’s people to admire his great attributes and deeds. Examples include Psalms 8; 93; and 145.

Hymns of thanksgiving. As with laments, there are community (Psalm 9) and individual (Psalm 30) thanksgiving psalms.

Hymns celebrating God’s law (Psalm 119).

Wisdom psalms (Psalms 1; 37), which reflect themes from the Wisdom Books (Job, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Song of Solomon).

Songs of confidence, which enable worshipers to deepen their trust in God amid difficult circumstances (Psalm 23).

Royal psalms, which present the Davidic monarchy as the vehicle of blessing for God’s people. Some of these are prayers (Psalm 20), some are thanksgivings (Psalm 21). All relate to the Messiah, the ultimate heir of David, either by setting a pattern (Psalms 20–21) or by portraying the king’s reign in such a way that only the Messiah can completely fulfill it (Psalms 2; 72), or by focusing on the future (Psalm 110).

Historical psalms, which take lessons from the history of God’s dealings with his people (Psalm 78).

Prophetic hymns, which echo the Prophets, calling people to covenant faithfulness (Psalm 81).


The standard Hebrew text divides the Psalms into five “books,” perhaps in imitation of the five books of the Pentateuch.

Book 1 Psalms 1–41 Psalms 1–2 provide an introduction to the Psalms as a whole. Except for Psalms 10 and 33, the remaining psalms of Book 1 are psalms of David. Most of them are prayers of distress. Others are statements of confidence in the God who alone can save (e.g., 9; 11; 16; 18), striking the note that concludes the book (40–41). Reflections on ethics and worship are found in Psalms 1; 14–15; 19; 24; and 26.
Book 2 Psalms 42–72 Book 2 introduces the first group of psalms by the “sons of Korah” (42; 44–49; 50). There are also more psalms of David (51–65; 68–69), including most of the “historical” psalms (51–52; 54; 56–57; 59–60; 63). Once again, lament and distress dominate these prayers, which now also include a communal voice (e.g., 44; compare 67; 68). The lone psalm attributed to Solomon concludes Book 2 with a look at God’s ideal for Israel’s kings—ultimately pointing to Christ as the final great King of God’s people.
Book 3 Psalms 73–89 The tone darkens further in Book 3. The opening Psalm 73 starkly questions the justice of God before seeing light in God’s presence. That light has almost escaped the psalmist in Psalm 88, the bleakest of all psalms. Book 2 ended with the high point of royal aspirations; Book 3 concludes in Psalm 89 with these expectations badly threatened. Sharp rays of hope occasionally pierce the darkness (e.g., 75; 85; 87). The brief third book contains most of the psalms of Asaph (73–83), as well as another set of Korah psalms (84–85; 87–88).
Book 4 Psalms 90–106 Psalm 90 opens the fourth book of the psalms. It may be seen as the first response to the problems raised by Book 3. Psalm 90, attributed to Moses, reminds the worshiper that God was active on Israel’s behalf long before David. This theme is taken up in Psalms 103–106, which summarize God’s dealings with his people before any kings reigned. In between there is a group of psalms (93–100) characterized by the refrain “The LORD reigns.” This truth refutes the doubts of Psalm 89.
Book 5 Psalms 107–150 The structure of Book 5 reflects the closing petition of Book 4 in 106:47. It declares that God does answer prayer (107) and concludes with five Hallelujah psalms (146–150). In between there are several psalms affirming the validity of the promises to David (110; 132; 144), two collections of Davidic psalms (108–110; 138–145); the longest psalm, celebrating the value of God’s law (119); and 15 psalms of ascent for use by pilgrims to Jerusalem (120–134).
The Global Message of The Psalms

The Global Message of The Psalms

The Psalms are a resounding call for all God’s people and for all the world to sing! We are called to sing songs of confession and trust in God; to sing songs of thanksgiving and praise. The Psalms summon the global church to take up the cause of calling the world to join in such global and eternal songs of trust in, delight in, and worship of God for his magnificence—especially his magnificence displayed in his saving mercy.

Songs of Honest Lament

There is a surprising degree of honesty found in the prayers and songs of the Psalms. We find honest lament to God, with frequent repetition of questions such as “Why?” and “How long?” The psalmist asks in Psalm 42:9, “Why have you forgotten me?” Another psalm wonders, “Why, O LORD, do you stand far away? Why do you hide yourself in times of trouble?” (10:1; see also 88:14). “How long, O LORD?” is a frequent cry to God in the Psalms (see 6:3; 13:1; 79:5; 89:46).

Such prayers flow from desperately challenging situations, in which life feels overwhelming. Yet they also reflect the confident expectations of our honest cries to our compassionate and faithful God. The Lord invites his people worldwide to be boldly transparent before him—no masks, no pretense—even when the heart is breaking. He promises never to abandon those who belong to him.

Songs of Repentance and Trust

Songs of repentance are scattered throughout the Psalms. In such songs there are confessions of corporate sin—“Both we and our fathers have sinned; we have committed iniquity; we have done wickedness” (Ps. 106:6)—and individual songs of penitence (Psalms 6; 25; 32; 38; 51; 130; 143). These are not hopeless laments, but cries to a God who is a gracious deliverer (6:4), who deals with us according to his great love and mercy (51:1), and whose forgiveness flows from his goodness and not ours (130:3–4).

There is abundant reason to trust such a God for every good thing and in every situation (Psalm 23). To such a God we turn in times of great trouble, when we are at an utter loss in this fallen world. When enemies surround us and there is no one to help, God is our hope for deliverance (Psalm 22). Whether the desperate individual (Psalm 13) or the destitute community (Psalm 12) is in view, God is faithful to his promises. His steadfast love endures. He is worthy of our songs!

Songs of Thanksgiving and Praise

The Psalms are a divinely orchestrated hymnbook of thanksgiving and praise for God’s people. The covenant people of God return thanks to God for his wonderful deeds of deliverance, justice, and defense (Psalm 9), and for his favor and mercies (30:5, 7, 8, 10). All of this moves his people to burst into songs of joy and glad dancing (30:11–12).

In the Psalms, the people of God rejoice in all that God is and all that he has done. These songs of praise exalt God for his unsearchable greatness, his glorious splendor, and his awesome deeds (Ps. 145:3–6). He is worshiped as the King over all creation (93:1),the eternal King (10:16), the King of glory (24:8, 10), the King of all the earth (47:7), and the great King above all gods (95:3).

The Global Message of the Psalms

For all God’s people. The global message of the Psalms is that in light of God’s unfailing love and faithfulness there is a song to be sung by all God’s people everywhere—whatever their circumstances, whatever their emotions, whatever their adversity. The song to be sung will be of varied themes: lament, confession, repentance, thanksgiving, or praise to God. All of these, however, are songs of worship, expressing the universal experiences of God’s people. This is worship of God by the individual and the community, local and global, young and old (Ps. 148:12), now and forever (89:52). For a lost world filled with rebellion and sorrow, there is no greater remedy than a song that brings those who sing it to take refuge in God himself: a song for the oppressed, the hungry, the prisoner, the sojourner, the widow, and the fatherless (146:7–9).

A new song. The message of the Psalms is a call to the whole world to “Sing a new song!” “Oh sing to the LORD a new song; sing to the LORD, all the earth!” (Ps. 96:1). This is not a song of empty promises, but a song full of hope, a song exulting in the salvation of a covenant keeping and merciful God; not a song that fades, but an enduring, eternal song; a song of a God who lifts us out of mud and mire (69:2, 14).

Celebrating salvation. The book of Psalms opens with a picture of the two ways of life—the blessed and fruitful life of the one who delights in God, and the fleeting life of the wicked who (apart from God) stand condemned (Psalm 1). The world is called to set aside folly and to join in the life and song of the Redeemer, celebrating the salvation that is rooted in the sacrifice of the Savior (Psalm 22). This new song has been sung down through the ages; it continues today throughout the world; and it will one day be sung in the very throne room of God (Rev. 14:3).

Summoning the Nations

To the ends of the earth. The global church has a message for the world: join in this song! It is a celebration that will generate further praise—globally, generationally, and eternally. The church is to “declare his glory among the nations!” (Ps. 96:3). From Israel to the Christian church today to the global kingdom that will one day be known to the very ends of the earth, the redeemed of the Lord will come from every nation, tribe, people, and language, giving God thanks and celebrating his grace (Rev. 7:9).

For all nations. There is a message for the nations: “Praise the LORD, all nations! Extol him, all peoples!” (Ps. 117:1). The Lord humbles the nations (9:5, 19, 20), but he extends to all an offer of mercy and grace. One day, the nations will become Christ’s inheritance (2:8). This song begins with us but it must not end with us. There is a glorious globalization of the worship of God that we are privileged to help advance. In Christ we have found fullness of joy and pleasures forevermore (16:11). In turn we call the nations as well to be glad and sing for joy in him (67:4).

Fulfilled in Jesus. The love and mercy of God that forms the heart of the Psalms explodes onto history with the coming of Christ. It is in and through him that believers worldwide see God’s covenant faithfulness right before their eyes.

Spreading God’s glory. That glorious, global worship of God through Jesus Christ is not yet fully known or complete. Generating it is therefore our glad mission while on this earth. We will not rest till God’s glorious name is blessed forever and the whole earth is filled with his glory (Ps. 72:19).

Psalms Fact #3: How are the Psalms divided?

Fact: How are the Psalms divided?

How are the Psalms divided? The Psalms are divided into five books: 1–41; 42–72; 73–89; 90–106; 107–150. Each book ends with a “doxology,” a hymn of praise to God.

Psalms Fact #4: What was the main purpose of the Psalms for the people of God?

Fact: What was the main purpose of the Psalms for the people of God?

What was the main purpose of the Psalms for the people of God? The Psalms were the songbook of the people of God when they gathered for worship.

Psalms Fact #6: What is a psalm of lament?

Fact: What is a psalm of lament?

What is a psalm of lament? The main purpose of a psalm of lament is to tell the Lord about a difficult situation, to ask him for his help, and to praise him for helping. Some laments are community, congregational psalms. Others are individual, personal laments. One third of all the Psalms are psalms of lament.

Psalms Fact #7: How many of the Psalms were written by David?

Fact: How many of the Psalms were written by David?

How many of the Psalms were written by David? David is the author of about half of the Psalms. Other authors include Asaph, Solomon, Moses, and the sons of Korah.

Psalms Fact #9: What defined someone as an “enemy” of the people of Israel?

Fact: What defined someone as an “enemy” of the people of Israel?

What defined someone as an “enemy” of the people of Israel? The “enemies” mentioned in the Psalms (e.g., 18:17) were people hostile to the faith of God’s people. Sometimes they expressed their hatred by physically attacking the people of Israel, while other times they merely rejoiced when Israel faced misfortunes.

Psalms Fact #10: Are the Psalms poetry?

Fact: Are the Psalms poetry?

Are the Psalms poetry? The Psalms often reflect the feelings or emotions of the person who wrote the psalm. The book of Psalms includes poetry that covers all kinds of emotional feelings and experiences, from anguish and sorrow to great joy and thanksgiving.

Psalms Fact #12: How often does the NT quote from the Psalms?

Fact: How often does the NT quote from the Psalms?

How often does the NT quote from the Psalms? Of all the OT books, the Psalms and Isaiah are by far the two most widely quoted in the NT.

Psalms Fact #13: Selah

Fact: Selah

What does Selah mean? Although the word Selah is found 39 times in the book of Psalms, its exact meaning is uncertain. Most scholars believe it is a musical term or a term to be used by a worship leader, possibly to mark a pause.

Psalms Fact #20: Snares

Fact: Snares

Snares (38:12) were traps used to catch birds and animals. Some snares used ropes or nets that would be triggered as soon as the bait was touched. Pits disguised with sticks and leaves were also used as snares. In the Psalms, snares serve as symbols of danger or death at the hands of the wicked.

Psalms Fact #27: A helpful guide

Fact: A helpful guide

A helpful guide. The writers of the Psalms understood the importance of constant communication with God. They knew that God would hear their prayers, and they trusted him to act on their behalf. Believers today can benefit greatly by patterning their prayers after specific psalms.

Psalms Fact #28: Memorizing the Psalms

Fact: Memorizing the Psalms

Memorizing the Psalms. The poetic style of the Psalms make them easy to memorize. Throughout the centuries, many believers have memorized all 150 Psalms.

Psalms Fact #40: How long?

Fact: How long?

How long? This question (79:5) occurs nearly twenty times in the Psalms, more than any other question. It is almost always associated with a psalm of lament, such as Psalm 79.

Structure of Psalms

Structure of Psalms

The standard Hebrew text divides the Psalms into five “books,” perhaps in imitation of the five books of the Pentateuch.

Book 1 Psalms 1–41 Psalms 1–2 provide an introduction to the Psalms as a whole. Except for Psalms 10 and 33, the remaining psalms of Book 1 are psalms of David. Most of them are prayers of distress. Others are statements of confidence in the God who alone can save (e.g., 9; 11; 16; 18), striking the note that concludes the book (40–41). Reflections on ethics and worship are found in Psalms 1; 14–15; 19; 24; and 26.
Book 2 Psalms 42–72 Book 2 introduces the first group of psalms by the “sons of Korah” (42; 44–49; 50). There are also more psalms of David (51–65; 68–69), including most of the “historical” psalms (51–52; 54; 56–57; 59–60; 63). Once again, lament and distress dominate these prayers, which now also include a communal voice (e.g., 44; compare 67; 68). The lone psalm attributed to Solomon concludes Book 2 with a look at God’s ideal for Israel’s kings—ultimately pointing to Christ as the final great King of God’s people.
Book 3 Psalms 73–89 The tone darkens further in Book 3. The opening Psalm 73 starkly questions the justice of God before seeing light in God’s presence. That light has almost escaped the psalmist in Psalm 88, the bleakest of all psalms. Book 2 ended with the high point of royal aspirations; Book 3 concludes in Psalm 89 with these expectations badly threatened. Sharp rays of hope occasionally pierce the darkness (e.g., 75; 85; 87). The brief third book contains most of the psalms of Asaph (73–83), as well as another set of Korah psalms (84–85; 87–88).
Book 4 Psalms 90–106 Psalm 90 opens the fourth book of the psalms. It may be seen as the first response to the problems raised by Book 3. Psalm 90, attributed to Moses, reminds the worshiper that God was active on Israel’s behalf long before David. This theme is taken up in Psalms 103–106, which summarize God’s dealings with his people before any kings reigned. In between there is a group of psalms (93–100) characterized by the refrain “The LORD reigns.” This truth refutes the doubts of Psalm 89.
Book 5 Psalms 107–150 The structure of Book 5 reflects the closing petition of Book 4 in 106:47. It declares that God does answer prayer (107) and concludes with five Hallelujah psalms (146–150). In between there are several psalms affirming the validity of the promises to David (110; 132; 144), two collections of Davidic psalms (108–110; 138–145); the longest psalm, celebrating the value of God’s law (119); and 15 psalms of ascent for use by pilgrims to Jerusalem (120–134).
OT Testimony that All Are under Sin (3:9)

OT Testimony that All Are under Sin (3:9)

Romans 3 OT Reference
Sinful Condition
v. 10, none is righteous Ps. 14:3/53:3; Eccles. 7:20
v. 11a, no one understands Ps. 14:2/53:2
v. 11b, no one seeks for God Ps. 14:2/53:2
v. 12, all have turned aside; together they have become worthless; no one does good, not even one Ps. 14:3/53:3
Sinful Speech (note progression from throat to tongue to lips)
v. 13a, b, their throat is an open grave; they use their tongues to deceive Ps. 5:10, Septuagint (English, 5:9)
v. 13c, the venom of asps is under their lips Ps. 140:3
v. 14, their mouth is full of curses and bitterness Ps. 10:7
Sinful Action
v. 15, their feet are swift to shed blood Prov. 1:16/Isa. 59:7
v. 16, in their paths are ruin and misery Isa. 59:7
v. 17, and the way of peace they have not known Isa. 59:8
Summary Statement
v. 18, there is no fear of God before their eyes Ps. 36:1
Study Notes

Ps. 64:1–6 The psalmist makes three requests (hear my voice, preserve my life, hide me) and describes his enemies and their wicked schemes. The enemy is made up of wicked people (v. 2) who use bitter words (vv. 3–4), which become snares (v. 5). This could be referring either to lies that cause disagreement or slander that destroys reputations.

Study Notes

Psalm Ps. 64. This individual lament shares with Psalm 63 a confidence in God’s victory over those who bring troubles on the righteous. The psalm has two parts: a request for help against deadly schemes (64:1–6), and confident expectation that God will fight on behalf of his faithful (vv. 7–10). God gives victory as instruction for mankind (v. 9) and to bring joy to the godly (v. 10).

Ps. 64:7–10 Those who shoot their bitter words like arrows aimed at the innocent (vv. 3–4) will find that God shoots his arrow at them. God brings them down as they deserve (v. 8), with their own tongues turned against them. The people see what God has done, and it makes them think about who he is (all mankind fears).

S3:149 Psalm 64

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Dive Deeper | Psalm 64

How do you react when others oppose you? Too often my answer to that question has been "not well." Fortunately, we see a godly model for such a situation in Psalm 64. Unlike the physical threats David faces in many other psalms, here his enemies' words form the threat against him.

We can all relate to the pain caused by hurtful words. David metaphorically describes these individuals as hunters who stalk and attack their prey. These evildoers intentionally "search out" injustice, carefully plotting against David. This psalm describes the depth of these individuals' depravity, noting that the heart and mind of a man are deep places within which these evil thoughts are found (Psalm 64:6). 

Fear and worry dominate David's thoughts, just like they can ours. However, we must remember that David is speaking these words in prayer. He asks for his Father's help. Then an often-used, two-word pivot appears in Psalm 64:7: "But God."

With this transition, God hears David's prayer and swings into action. He thwarts the success of David's enemies, bringing them to ruin and turning their words against them. Jeremiah 17:10 tells us, "I the Lord search the heart and test the mind, to give every man according to his ways, according to the fruit of his deeds." While God may not foil the plans of those who do evil while they are on this earth, this psalm, and Jeremiah, remind us we can take heart, as God's justice will ultimately prevail against these individuals and their acts.

This passage ends by telling us what to do when we feel threatened or attacked. As is echoed throughout the Old and New Testaments, we are to rejoice (1Thessalonians 5:16-18) and take refuge in the Lord (Psalm 18:2). When we do, we can confidently say, "in God I trust, I shall not be afraid. What can man do to me?" (Psalm 56:11). 

So, what is God's model for us to react to human opposition? Pray earnestly. Ask for God's help. Take refuge in His strength. And rejoice in peace, knowing the outcome is in His hands.

This month's memory verse

May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may abound in hope.

– Romans 15:13

Discussion Questions

1. Are there times when you feel as though your own mind searches out injustice? For instance, have you ever hoped that others might fail? In what circumstances does this thinking most frequently occur? How might you redirect your thoughts at these times?

2. David describes his enemies in this passage. Who are God's enemies? With this in mind, whom should we consider to be our enemies?

3. Read Matthew 5:11-12 and Romans 12:14. How do these passages parallel Psalm 64? Based on these passages, how are we to react to those who oppose us?

4. How does David's prayer reveal how he sees God? What do your prayers say about how you see God?

Respond to Today's Passage

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Michael Scaman

The root cause of David’s enemies is dark desires driving dark works. Deliverance needed from the dark works. Deliverance needed from dark desires. David’s plea for help doesn’t stay stuck turned in on himself. He pivots to a global change in mankind for God’s glory. Not secret but seen. A prayer for God’s glory pointing to a heart issue in man. Jonathan Edwards says we always choose according to the highest inclination of the heart. Man’s choices handicapped by a fallen heart? There is a bondage of the dark desires, the solution will be freedom in better desires. "The Freedom of the Will" by Jonathon Edwards: "The will always is as the greatest apparent good is. The mind always acts according to the strongest inclination." "On the Bondage of the Will" by Martin Luther: "Man's will is like a beast standing between two riders. If God rides, it wills and goes where God wills... If Satan rides, it wills and goes where Satan wills; nor can it choose to run to either of the two riders, but the riders themselves contend for the possession and control of it." John 3 says this is the judgement that they loved the darkness rather than the light Here, the wicked love evil so much they diligently seek it out. This is a problem where all of their nature is touched in some way, tinged and handicapped by the fall. The wicked shoots arrows dipped in bitterness. Ps 64:3 God like a Rambo version of Cupid shoots arrows deep into their hearts where the problem is. Ps 64:7 “Then all mankind fears; they tell what God has brought about and ponder what he has done” Ps 64:9 “And the righteous see it and rejoice “ Ps 64:10 And there is the issue. What makes one heart rejoice over evil and another heart rejoice over good? Some of the most stunning promises in the Bible are for those who delight rightly. Those who love God are blessed to the 10th generation. Delight yourself in the LORD and He will give you the desires of your heart Ps 37:4 is side by side with the meek shall inherit the earth Ps 37:11. In the New covenant a heart changed in Jer 32:40 where God will never turn from doing you good is side by side with you will never turn from following God. God in Ezekiel uses David as a placeholder highlighting the Messiah’s work in the new covenant in a stunning promise of a new heart as David becomes bookends. I will place David as shepherd over my people Ezekiel 34:23-24 and I will place David as king over my people. Ezekiel 37:24-25 In between? A new covenant with a new heart. A resurrection of formerly dry bones Ezekiel 37:1-14. A heart of flesh instead of a heart of stone. Ezekiel 36:26-27 God uses David as a placeholder highlighting the Messiah’s work a lot.

greg jones

Good morning Jason. This resonated with me today. “So, what is God's model for us to react to human opposition? Pray earnestly. Ask for God's help. Take refuge in His strength.” “A psalm of David when he was in the wilderness of Judah” is the superscript of Psalm 63. It is followed by “hide me from the wicked” Psalm 64. David is on the run from Absalom in the wilderness of Judah. David plants a spy among Absalom’s advisors, Hushai the Archite (2 Samuel 15:32-37). Psalm 64:5 Who can see them? Hushai the Archite, who then sends word to David to not be where he’ll be looked for 2 Samuel 17:16-16. The twist. There’s always a twist when it comes to the psalms and the narrative. For his sake, David ordered his generals to deal gently with his son 2 Samuel 18:5a. And everyone heard it 2 Samuel 18:5b. 2 Samuel 18:6-10 a certain fella sees Absalom hanging by his hair in a tree and tells general Joan what he’s seen. Picking up in verse 11 the rest of the conversation goes like this. Joab said to the man who told him, “What, you saw him! Why then did you not strike him there to the ground? I would have been glad to give you ten pieces of silver and a belt.” But the man said to Joab, “Even if I felt in my hand the weight of a thousand pieces of silver, I would not reach out my hand against the king's son, for in our hearing the king commanded you and Abishai and Ittai, ‘For my sake protect the young man Absalom.’ On the other hand, if I had dealt treacherously against his life ***(and there is nothing hidden from the king),*** then you yourself would have stood aloof.” Joab said, “I will not waste time like this with you.” And he took three javelins in his hand and thrust them into the heart of Absalom while he was still alive in the oak. And ten young men, Joab's armor-bearers, surrounded Absalom and struck him and killed him. 2 Samuel 18:11-15 When you hear the song from the soundtrack and read the script imagining the scene in the movie you wonder, “wow David, who’s your real enemy?” Or at least I do. How the rest of the twist plays out. Let the righteous one rejoice in the LORD     and take refuge in him! Let all the upright in heart exult! Psalm 64:10 And behold, the Cushite came, and the Cushite said, “Good news for my lord the king! For the Lord has delivered you this day from the hand of all who rose up against you.” 2 Samuel 18:31 Quite the exaltation there. Hear my voice, O God, in my complaint;     preserve my life from dread of the enemy. Psalm 64:1 The king said to the Cushite, “Is it well with the young man Absalom?” And the Cushite answered, “May the enemies of my lord the king and all who rise up against you for evil be like that young man.” And the king was deeply moved and went up to the chamber over the gate and wept. And as he went, he said, “O my son Absalom, my son, my son Absalom! Would I had died instead of you, O Absalom, my son, my son!” 2 Samuel 18:32-33 (Side note to self) That’s what the heart of a father can sound like. When it came to a prodigal the Cushite and his generals didn’t get it. They were willing to shoot the wounded. For the inward mind and heart of a man are deep. Psalm 64:6 What’s the purpose for the twists of the psalms? Then all mankind fears; they tell what God has brought about and ponder what he has done.

Lindsey Driscoll

Thank you Jason for your devo, I love that you boiled David’s example down to the last paragraph. “How do we deal with human opposition?…” Q1. Do I hope that others will fail? I don’t hope that others will outright fail but I am quick to judge others thinking that “ohh I see how you made this hard for yourself.” How can I redirect my thoughts? Instead of my judgemental thoughts I can encourage others in these moments. “Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing.” ‭‭1 Thessalonians‬ ‭5‬:‭11‬ ‭NIV‬‬. My heart and my mind are cunning as verse 64:6, I can so quickly mentally respond with pride of thinking I know best.

Jason Cromwell

"Who are our enemies?" No one. On this side of the Resurrection we realize we live in a sinful and broken world. There are people who do terrible things and we should be upset by the wrong done. For Example: There's a news story out of the Olympic's Opening Ceremony that has dominated conversation this week. We should be appalled at the front to our faith, but those people need our prayers as much as anyone. If Jesus can say with His last few breathes, "Father forgive them for they know not what they do" to people whose job it was to crucify people daily, then how much more should we forgive those around us? Easier said than done.

Sue Bohlin

Thanks so much, Jayson. In verse 5, we read, "thinking, 'Who can see them?'” Which reminds me of what seems to be one of the Enemy's favorite deceptions, feeding people the lie, "I can get away with ________." Which starts with the question in Genesis 3, "Did God really say . . .?" Lord, I pray for myself and my JTJ family, that today You would make us especially aware of the enemy's deceptions--particularly the false belief that nobody's watching us do things in secret, that we can get away with various sins. Really, Lord, believing the lie that You, the all-knowing, all-powerful God of the universe, can be mocked. Open our eyes to the truth; open the ears of our hearts to hear Your prompts and nudges that help us walk in the light rather than the deception that David wrote about.

Amy Lowther

1. No, it’s too scary. Understanding the importance of God and His ideas keeps me stable and keeps my mind from drifting. 2. I believe God sees everyone as His friends. It helps Him to be healthy and successful. We as people should do the same (see enemies as friends) so we can succeed and experience life as God prefers. 3. We are to look at negative things as strength not as weakness. When we face opposition, we are to work with them and produce positive things, putting opinions aside, staying focused on God preferences and ways of handling life. 4. David shows he thinks God is extremely strong. My prayers show I have respect God. Jayson - Thank you for sharing your ideas. You make a good point in saying God prefers we, “Pray earnestly. Ask for God's help. Take refuge in His strength. And rejoice in peace, knowing the outcome is in His hands”, when facing opposition. Well done!